Friday, January 12, 2007

Suddenly "Ba" is best

First and foremost, we have moved to a new apartment in a different wing of our serviced apartment hotel. We are now on the third floor and the staff has assured me they have scoured the apartment for any signs of "mice" - the best thing is that we now have two tvs - one in our bedroom and one in the living area.

David is no longer persona non grata as far as Lan is concerned. Suddenly she is calling for her "Ba" and showing him everything. She picks things up and demands something that sounds like, "BA! Nine!" We have presumed this means something like, "Daddy! Say!" and then David says whatever the name of the thing is in English, and then she says it in Vietnamese, and then David tries to mimic what she said, and then she laughs likes a lunatic. She says something which I assume is, 'My Ba speaks Vietnamese really badly."

Her passport didn't come in today, which is depressing.

We went to the zoo with another Holt family - I am going to try to post photos at the photobucket site. The zoo was in a peaceful setting, but, the animals were in very old cages. The tigers were going completely nuts when we got there, pacing figure eights in their cages and growling and vocalizing. At first I thought they wanted to eat us, but, then we saw a pony approaching the cage area. I have no idea why the pony was loose in the zoo. The pony is certainly very lucky the cages were strong and well made, because those tigers were desperate to break out.

There were also a lot of loose rats in the zoo. Evidently, I cannot escape the curse of the rodents that is upon me.

Lan also chose the zoo to start testing us. She ran from us to see what we would do. It was disturbing, one because it does hurt our feelings for her to behave like she wants to be away from us, and two, because we had to chase after her, and we looked like we were kidnapping a Vietnamese child.

After the zoo, we went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I didn't think things were going to go very well - it was kind of a nice place with white tablecloths, and there appeared to be some kind of wedding party going on. The waitstaff killed a turtle right next to our table and then we watched as the thing struggled while they drained it's blood into a big glass and then they served the blood with vodka to a large group of people who were there for the wedding party. It had been such an emotional day for us (with the rat, with Lan running from us) I thought I was going to start to cry. I miss Gabe so much, and there is so much about this culture we don't understand, and we are so helpless linguistically.

Anyway, we ordered two beef dishes, and a fried shrimp dish for Lan, and then something called, 'pan fried sweet potato buds'.

Contemplate 'pan fried sweet potato buds' for a moment. Do you have a thought in your head of what it might be?

Yeah. Me too. Pan fried bits of sweet potato is what I thought.

Did you think 'collard greens'? Because, truly, the words 'collard greens' never crossed my mind when I ordered 'pan fried sweet potato buds' but 'collard greens' is surely what they looked like. I must have looked VERY DISAPPOINTED because the waitress brought the menu back over and pointed out 'pan fried sweet potato buds' and pointed to the greens. At the point I was just resigned to paying 15000 D (about .90) for something no one would eat, Lana lunged across the table, grabbed a huge handful of the greens in her fist, and SHOVED THEM INTO HER MOUTH. She followed this with a guilty look, like she expected she would be in trouble for eating them. I just pushed the plate toward her AND SHE ATE THE WHOLE PLATE. With gusto. She dipped them into the sauce they came with and she polished off an entire plate of 'pan fried sweet potato buds'. She also ate some of the fried shrimp. Fried shrimp and collard greens. That's my girl. (David and Tara (the other Holt mom who was with us) both tried the greens and pronounced them 'better' than collard greens, because they were less bitter. Being as I am not a fan of greens in any form (sorry Grandma), I didn't try them. My beef with vegetables was quite tasty, though.)

Well, it's about time to get this greens-loving-child to bed.

More tomorrow,


Blogger Rachel said...

Sounds like Lan is doing well. I love that she ate the whole plate of food. Apparently that 90 cents was worth every penny to her! Oh, and I would have passed out seeing the turtle incident!

Jan 12, 2007, 6:14:00 AM  
Blogger Jana said...

Gretchen, it certainly sounds like an emotional roller coaster kind of day. I have to tell you that I have been checking the blog daily to see if there are new messages posted. Needless to say I was very happy to find a new message when I checked this morning. I had just shown my husband, Jay, your blog yesterday. You are a great inspiration to me! We didn't journal or anything with our first adoption, but I am inspired by your blog and have asked for a laptop for my birthday or Christmas so that I can blog while we are in China. I will certainly need a lesson before then but since referral is 16 to 18 months from our LID of 9/1/06 I think we have time - HA HA! Hope the rest of your trip goes well. I am looking forward to seeing you and hearing all about your trip. Will you be at the January girls night out on the 23rd? Glad that Lan is connecting with Dad now. I'm sure he is very happy!!!

Jan 12, 2007, 7:58:00 AM  
Blogger KelleyO said...

The turtle thing must have been very disturbing!!! Having a child run away is one of my biggest fears. My little guy looks like a runner. I worry about what I would do. Lan is little enough that you could get her the backpack with the leash. I don't know if they have them there. Get some rest, you've had quite a day.

Jan 12, 2007, 8:57:00 AM  
Blogger jamielvis said...

It sounds like you have had a couple of Freaky days. I will never look at a Turtle the same. I'm glad Lan and dave are meshing and things are gettting better.
Take Care!

Jan 12, 2007, 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try not to be depressed about the passport - probably the more time in for Lan in her home country to ease the transition, the better. Enjoy the time yourselves, too, away from work (I know you miss Gabe, though).

I guess fried sweet potato buds means fried buds of the sweet-potato plant, haha!

What a plucky gal Lan sounds. :)

Jan 12, 2007, 11:06:00 AM  
Blogger Danielle said...

Glad that Lan is noticing what a great dad Dave is. I am sure she is soon to wear a shirt that says "daddy's little girl". I can't even begin to discuss the poor turtle. I am calling PETA you know... Sending all of my energy to get that Visa to you ASAP!! Love the updates. Thank you.

Jan 12, 2007, 2:38:00 PM  
Blogger Ty's family said...

I am so glad Lan is starting to show more sides of her personality. And that she gets a laugh out of her daddy's inability to speak Vietnamese. (Hey, whatever helps her bond with you.)
Regarding the mouse/rat roommate: I am so happy we had geckos -- Like you, we'd have been out of there before dark if we had a rat as a roommate.
We are enjoying reading your blog and looking at the pictures. Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us.

Jan 12, 2007, 3:03:00 PM  
Blogger Ty's family said...

Gretchen, I think the running thing is pretty common. At the Hotel in Hanoi Ty got away from me. He and I were in the shopping center, which connects the Hotel tower and the apartment tower at the ground floor. I was carrying him when I set him down to take a closer look at something. I stood up and just like that, he had split. He had done this before but was easily discovered within feet of me. I instantly FREAKED. I called out his name and did my best at charades with the locals. About 1 minute later I found him in the opposite tower staring up at their giant Christmas tree. From that point, the game was on. He found it rather amusing to see us chase him.
It's awesome to read how Lan is developing in her relationship with you and Dave. All in all...It's the experience of a lifetime.
God Bless You!

Jan 12, 2007, 7:36:00 PM  
Blogger David Graham and Harriet Warnock-Graham said...'ll be learning to cook collard greens. You might try introducing her to stir fried kale which is a lot more tolerable and doesn't take so long to cook. Collards take forever.

Oh the trials of control freaks.

I have to admit that I'm having a great laugh at your expense dear.

Love to all of you,

Jan 13, 2007, 5:24:00 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...

ooops, sorry, should have mentioned the rats at the zoo, we saw them on monkey island. (R~ was like, "oh look! mice!)

That is SO great that Lan is attaching to daddy!!

Jan 14, 2007, 8:58:00 PM  

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