Friday, November 30, 2007

Soaking Cold

As Lana becomes fluent in English, some of her phrases cause me endless amusement. She has recently begun to use the word "soaking" in the most interesting way. (I mean, I find it linguistically interesting, because I am a geek that way, but, also, I find it adorable.)

She learned the term "soaking wet" over the summer when we were swimming in the pool every day.

When it started to get cold, she looked at me and said, "Mommy, I'm soakin' cold." The first time she said it, I asked her to repeat it, as I wasn't sure I'd heard her correctly. "Soakin' cold, mom." She said. "Not soakin' wet right now, but, soakin' cold."

At Halloween she happily announced to Gabriel, "We're SOAKIN' in candy, Gabe! Soakin' in candy!"

She has also, on other occasions, been "soaking hungry" and "soaking tired" and "soaking in birthday presents."

It's astonishingly cute, is what it is.

I don't have the heart to tell her these aren't common colloquialisms - besides, maybe it'll catch on. Maybe soon, all across the Midwest, we'll be soaking cold. While we're soaking in Christmas presents. While we cure our soaking hunger with some Christmas treats.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Tidings from Gabe's Backpack

I found the following letter in Gabriel's homework folder. It was written on notebook paper and stapled to an attractively decorated paper turkey, lovingly colored by my 7-year-old son in festive fall colors...I hope it doesn't imply my son is some kind of gleeful poultry murdering psycho-path...

"Dear Turkey,

I will eat you for Thanksgiving. We will cook you in the oven. I hope you taste good.

Your friend,

Please tell me he's not a burgeoning Hanibal Lector.